Friday, August 31, 2012

That's a lot of Dick.

I haven't read very much Philip K. Dick, but I'm about to remedy that really quickly. Why am I saying this? I'll tell you...

I was flipping around channels last night and 'The Adjustment Bureau' came on. It hit me that I'd never seen it, but I remember the TV ads when it was new to theaters about a year ago making it look pretty interesting. Also I can honestly say I haven't seen a Matt Damon flick that actively made me want to turn off the TV all together, so I thought I'd give it a chance. Well, I was sucked in from the first scene.
I don't know if any of you has seen it, but at its core it's a love story. I don't like love stories as a rule -I tend to typically stick to Horror and Sci-Fi with some action and humor sprinkled in. But something about this movie (I guess the small dose of Sci-Fi helped) really held my attention. Do we honestly control any facet of our destiny? Are our decisions -sometimes the seemingly mundane ones- made of our own free will at all? No one can ever really know; even us Christians owe a certain portion of our guided paths to The Lord. But still, how would we really even know we were being... manipulated unless we saw it first hand?

Well, those are questions best left to either God, or really good Science Fiction authors, and as it turns out, Dick was an amazing author. And the worst part is I didn't even know the story on which this film was based was written by him until the end credits. Sad.

So now it's time for more Dick. And that's all.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Stupid Scary Weed.

My computer desk sits directly adjacent to one of our family room windows. I like the view and I can peek out the window and make sure our house isn't actively being targeted by hooligans, debt collectors, or zombies. So it's nice. But right outside is a small weed patch that has slightly overgrown, and there's this tall bit that has stretched its way to the window. It's not ivy so it's not like it's adhered to the building. Instead, however, it waves in any little breeze and does its nature-type daily routine, which is to say nothing but exist and make chlorophyll I guess. But, this particular hunk of flora has another skill that it's quite adept at: scaring the crap out of me. When it's a bit darker, or the wind hits it just right, or the blinds are drawn in such a way, it'll shimmy and it looks just like someone or something approaching the window with sinister plans on its mind. Okay, I know that plants don't have 'minds' per se, but this thing is pretty good at thinking up camouflage with which to intimidate me into believing it's a phantom stranger or some type of escaped mental patient.

Which begs the question: why don't I just go out there and cut it. Look, I can't be breaking my laziness streak over just anything, okay? I'll get to it when it turns my hair white... er, my beard hair white. 

This is What This is.

So what is this? Don't I already have far too many Blogs as it is? Am I just a glutton for punishment? Have I even showered yet today? Well, the answer to all of these questions is: probably. But let's look at the first one: What is this. Well I'll tell you. I decided I really need a Blog that sort of gives me a bit of freedom to write about everything else. You see I do a Blog on my life's history, I do (sort of) a Blog with a comic, and I do a Blog where I write interesting and frightening stories, and a often add to a Blog about movie reviews. So, there are still little bits and pieces of everyday whatnot that get left out. And there you have it. And in case you're wondering where the name comes from (aside from exactly what it is), I used to do a mini-comic back in the day (15 years ago or so) that was called 'The Vacuum Bag' and I really dug the name. I brought her back from the dead, and luckily it was available! Yay for me! So now you know what it is and why it is. It'll get updated with my typical frequency, maybe once or twice a week depending on outside forces and such, but it'll be fun. Um... enjoy, I guess!